\n Showcasing what type of buyers have enquired with upstream that have\n tagged you as the Good Cause\n
\n\n Commercial\n
\n\n This graph indicates where your customers have chosen to impact from\n your sales\n
\n\n {{ calculateHrs() }}\n
\n\n Equivalent hours of generated community work\n
\n\n {{ learnMoreTallyClicks(learnMore.id) }}\n
\n Begin typing your office address and then select the correct\n address from the list that appears and click\n \"Add Location\":\n
\n{{ offer.title }}
\n{{ slide.text }}
\n\n {{ formatMoney(stats.revenue) }}\n
\n\n Your revenue
\n through Upstream (excl gst)\n
\n {{ formatMoney(stats.cC) }}\n
\n\n Upstream contributions
\n you've contributed through sales
\n you've received (excl gst)\n
\n {{ stats.attemptedLeadsCount }}\n
\n\n Attempted Opportunities\n
\n \n These are brokered opportunities we have presented to an\n Impact Buyer but they indicated wasn't a fit for various\n reasons\n\n {{ stats.leadsCount }}\n
\nActive Opportunities
\n \n \n These are opportunities that are connected to Impact Buyers we\n are prospecting. You'll recieve these as enquiries if customer\n is keen to engage\n \n\n {{\n parseInt(this.stats.enquiryEnquiries) +\n parseInt(this.stats.commsConfirmedEnquiries) +\n parseInt(this.stats.salePendingEnquiries) +\n parseInt(this.stats.saleConfirmedEnquiries)\n }}\n
\nActive Enquiries
\n\n {{ stats.saleCompletedEnquiries }}\n
\nSales Completed
\n \n These are sales you have indicated that have been completed.\n This stat also includes repeat invoices from sales that have\n an ongoing nature\n\n {{ stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries }}\n
\nSales Fallen Through
\n \n These are enquires you have indicated that have fallen\n through for various reasons\n\n {{ stats.affiliateEnquiryEnquiries }}\n
\n\n Website link clicks to be reviewed\n
\n \n The amount of website link clicks that need to be reviewed. A\n website link click is when a user visits your website via your\n Upstream supplier profile.\n\n \n \n Consumer Enquiries: {{ stats.consumerEnquiries }} ({{\n calculatePercent(stats.consumerEnquiries, stats.enquiriesCount)\n }}%)\n \n\n \n \n Business or Org. Enquiries: {{ stats.businessEnquiries }} ({{\n calculatePercent(stats.businessEnquiries, stats.enquiriesCount)\n }}%)\n \n
\n\n \n \n Unconverted:\n {{ stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries }}\n ({{\n calculatePercent(\n stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries,\n stats.completedEnquiriesCount\n )\n }}%)\n \n\n \n \n Converted: {{ stats.completedEnquiriesCount }} ({{\n calculatePercent(\n stats.completedEnquiriesCount -\n stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries,\n stats.completedEnquiriesCount\n )\n }}%)\n \n
\n\n Impact Buyer Prospecting\n
\n\n Step 1) Please explore the\n Buyers that we need your help Prospecting
\n Step 2) Fill out the\n information you can about the Buyer
\n Step 3) We will work with the\n Buyer to generate Imapct\n
\n Instructions\n
\n\n Step 1) Please explore the\n options we believe could create impact through your purchasing.
\n Step 2) Select what response\n best suits this opportunity, and help us indicate by writing some\n specific comments.
\n Step 3) We will work with you\n to action options you see as relevant.\n
The Enquiry Progress
\n\nThe Enquiry Outcome
\n\n\n Notes for UpstreamNZ\n
\n\nEnquiry Button Key
\n New Enquiry :\n Status indicates the enquiries that you would've received.\n\n The status our records show is:\n {{\n formData.upstreamStatus\n }}\n
\n\nIs this right?
\n\n Please change status if not accurate to our records\n
\n \n\n Notes for Upstream\n
\n\nEnquiry Button Key
\n\n Sale Pending :\n No clear indicated outcome yet. Sale is still in a pending\n state\n {{ formatMoney(stats.revenue) }}\n
\n\n Revenue Generated
\n For Upstream Suppliers (excl gst)\n
\n {{ formatMoney(stats.cC / 2) }}\n
\n\n Your UpstreamNZ direct
\n contribution total
\n through sales (excl gst)\n
\n {{ stats.attemptedLeadsCount }}\n
\n\n Attempted Opportunities\n
\n \n These are brokered opportunities we have presented to an\n Impact Buyer but they indicated wasn't a fit for various\n reasons\n\n {{ stats.leadsCount }}\n
\nActive Opportunities
\n \n \n These are opportunities that are connected to Impact Buyers we\n are prospecting. You'll benefit from these enquiries if the\n customer is keen to engage\n \n\n {{\n parseInt(this.stats.enquiryEnquiries) +\n parseInt(this.stats.commsConfirmedEnquiries) +\n parseInt(this.stats.salePendingEnquiries) +\n parseInt(this.stats.saleConfirmedEnquiries)\n }}\n
\nActive Enquiries
\n\n {{ stats.saleCompletedEnquiries }}\n
\nSales Completed
\n \n These are sales have been completed. This stat also includes\n repeat invoices from sales that have an ongoing nature\n\n {{ stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries }}\n
\nSales Fallen Through
\n \n These are enquires that have fallen through for various\n reasons\n\n {{\n calculatePercent(\n stats.completedEnquiriesCount -\n stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries,\n stats.completedEnquiriesCount\n )\n }}%\n
\nConversion Rate
\n \n The rate that the enquiries are converted to a completed sale\n where you are chosen as the Good Cause.\n\n Click here to request Upstream to add new Impact Buyer connected to\n your Good Cause\n
\n\n \n \n Consumer Enquiries: {{ stats.consumerEnquiries }} ({{\n calculatePercent(stats.consumerEnquiries, stats.enquiriesCount)\n }}%)\n \n\n \n \n Business or Org. Enquiries: {{ stats.businessEnquiries }} ({{\n calculatePercent(stats.businessEnquiries, stats.enquiriesCount)\n }}%)\n \n
\n\n \n \n Unconverted:\n {{ stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries }}\n ({{\n calculatePercent(\n stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries,\n stats.completedEnquiriesCount\n )\n }}%)\n \n\n \n \n Converted: {{ stats.completedEnquiriesCount }} ({{\n calculatePercent(\n stats.completedEnquiriesCount -\n stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries,\n stats.completedEnquiriesCount\n )\n }}%)\n \n
\n\n {{ aboutParagraph }}\n
\n\n {{ aboutParagraph }}\n
\n\n This graph indicates where your customers have chosen to impact from\n your sales\n
\n\n {{ calculateHrs() }}\n
\n\n Equivalent hours of generated community work\n
\n\n {{ filteredSustainabilityList[this.tab].notes }}\n
\n\n {{ formatMoney(stats.cC) }}\n
\n\n Upstream contributions
\n you've contributed through what
\n you've bought (excl gst)\n
\n {{ calculateHrs(stats.cC) }}\n
\n\n Equivalent hours of generated
\n community work\n
\n {{ stats.attemptedLeadsCount }}\n
\n\n Attempted Opportunities\n
\n \n These are opportunities we presented that you have marked\n either \"Already Using\" or \"No Opportunity\"\n\n {{ stats.leadsCount }}\n
\nActive Opportunities
\n \n These are opportunitities that dont have a clear outcome yet.\n Click the button to reveal the details\n\n {{\n parseInt(this.stats.enquiryEnquiries) +\n parseInt(this.stats.commsConfirmedEnquiries) +\n parseInt(this.stats.salePendingEnquiries) +\n parseInt(this.stats.saleConfirmedEnquiries)\n }}\n
\nActive Enquiries
\n\n {{ stats.saleCompletedEnquiries }}\n
\nPurchases Completed
\n \n These are your purchases that have been marked as completed.\n This number also includes purchasing from repeat sales that\n have an ongoing element\n\n {{ stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries }}\n
\nUnconverted Purchases
\n \n These are your enquiries or links clicks that have not\n resulted in a purchase\n \n\n {{ stats.suppliersUsed }}\n
\n\n UNZ Suppliers you've enquired with & links you've visited\n
\n \n \n The Upstream Suppliers you've made an Enquiry with or visited\n their website\n \n\n You have\n \n {{ stats.leadsToBeReviewed }}\n \n opportunities we've identified to be reviewed\n
\n\n Your Impact Buyer report certificate\n
\n\n Showcasing the types of buyers we are prospecting as opportunities for\n your business\n
\n\n What is an Impact Report? \n An impact report is a summary of the impact you have created through\n your purchases. This can be visible on the Impact Report tab on our\n website. View what your Impact Report looks like, by clicking the\n above \"View my Report\" button.\n
\n\n (*Fonts and certain styles may vary)\n
\n\n (*Fonts and certain styles may vary)\n
\n\n Your chosen Good Cause / Area of Impact\n
\n\n This is the Good Cause / Area of Impact that your contribution\n benefits. To change please email\n admin@upstreamnz.co.nz\n
\n\n Most recent impact story\n
\n\n {{ chosenGoodCause.goodCauseRecentImpactStory }}\n
\n\n Lead From:\n {{ impactBuyerName(supplier.business_id) }}\n
\n\n Lead For ($):\n {{ supplierName(supplier.leadFor_business_id) }}\n
\n\n\n Summary:\n {{\n supplier.leadSummary\n }}\n
\n\n Click here to go to latest Enquiry (*May take 5\n secs)\n
\n \nCreated Date: {{ formData.created_at }}
\n\n {{ stats.enquiriesCount }}\n
\nEnquiries & Repeat Sales
\n\n {{ formatMoney(stats.revenue) }}\n
\nTotal REV in {{ stats.year }} (excl)
\n\n {{ formatMoney(stats.cC) }}\n
\nTotal UC (excl)
\n\n {{ calculatePercent(stats.cC, stats.revenue) }}\n %\n
\nUC to Rev %
\n\n \n \n Consumer: {{ stats.consumerEnquiries }} ({{\n calculatePercent(stats.consumerEnquiries, stats.enquiriesCount)\n }}%)\n \n\n \n \n Business / Organs: {{ stats.businessEnquiries }} ({{\n calculatePercent(stats.businessEnquiries, stats.enquiriesCount)\n }}%)\n \n
\n\n \n \n Fallen Through: {{ stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries }} ({{\n calculatePercent(\n stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries,\n stats.enquiriesCount\n )\n }}%)\n \n \n \n Outstanding:\n {{\n parseInt(stats.enquiryEnquiries) +\n parseInt(stats.commsConfirmedEnquiries) +\n parseInt(stats.salePendingEnquiries) +\n parseInt(stats.saleConfirmedEnquiries)\n }}\n ({{\n calculatePercent(\n parseInt(stats.enquiryEnquiries) +\n parseInt(stats.commsConfirmedEnquiries) +\n parseInt(stats.salePendingEnquiries) +\n parseInt(stats.saleConfirmedEnquiries),\n stats.enquiriesCount\n )\n }}%)\n \n\n \n \n Completed: {{ stats.saleCompletedEnquiries }} (\n {{\n calculatePercent(\n stats.saleCompletedEnquiries,\n stats.enquiriesCount\n )\n }}\n %)\n \n
\n\n \n \n Unconverted:\n {{\n calculatePercent(\n stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries,\n stats.completedEnquiriesCount\n )\n }}%\n \n\n \n \n Converted:\n {{\n calculatePercent(\n stats.completedEnquiriesCount -\n stats.saleFallenThroughEnquiries,\n stats.completedEnquiriesCount\n )\n }}%\n \n
\n\n Showcasing the type of buyers and the amount of lead opportunities\n that would benefit you as a Good Cause\n
\n\n Showcasing what type of buyers have enquired with you\n